About Mo

Hello, I'm Mo Goltz.

I enable companies to develop a competitive advantage by empowering users and customers to reach their potential. My multi-disciplinary background has allowed me to bridge the gaps between design, research, and business in ways that inform decision-making, influence strategy, and support meaningful innovation.

As a UX Researcher, I help organizations determine what to make and do next - and more importantly, what NOT to make and do next. I approach business problems and opportunities with a UX lens, which compliments and augments traditional business and product management approaches. Intrapreneurial by nature, I have helped organizations become more collaborative, enhance their internal operations, and increase their UX maturity.

In addition to work, I'm interested in and passionate about: graphic design, story slams, teaching/coaching/mentoring, event design, and electronic music.



🛞 Helped Bridgestone/Firestone to:

☁️ Helped Salesforce to:

🚗 Helped Allstate to:

▶️ Helped Accenture to:

🖥️ Helped Microsoft to:

🧑‍💻 Helped User Testing to:

🗣️ Helped Hearsay Systems (Hearsay Social) to:

👪 Helped The Village (single-parent-focused startup) to:

📄 Learn more about Mo's past accomplishments in his resume - download a pdf / doc or checkout his Linkedin profile


🚀 Launch products/services/and features with:

more confidence, based on a more holistic understanding of your users/customers/audience

💨 Go to market and adapt to changes more quickly by: 

working in an agile, lean, and iterative way - doing just enough research to be dangerous, at the right time and at the right places

🤔 Improve decision-making by: 

becoming more data-driven - complimenting your research with rich, nuanced, and deep qualitative insights

📈 Increase the effectiveness (ROI) of research and development by:

working in a scrappy way while infusing human-centered design and design thinking into existing processes

📉 Reduce risk when trying to innovate by: 

testing hypotheses and concepts early and often - evolving our approach continuously

📊 Ensure the products/services you offer are: 

relevant, desirable, usable, and accessible while supporting meaningful improvements in your user's/customer's life

🥇 Outsmart and outmaneuver your competition by: 

aligning with your users/customers more frequently in ways that make a difference

  Enhance the impact your offerings have in the world by: 

developing strategy that connects to tactics, seeing what others miss/ignore, and translating vague ideas into decisive plans that lead to new opportunities we can take advantage of, or even create together


UX Audit (expert review) / Bespoke Research / Prototype Validation / Research Sprint / Strategy Sprint / Design Sprint / UX Ops sprint / Custom Workshop Development and Facilitation / UX Training (upskill faster) / Career Coaching and Mentorship

Coaching, Mentoring, and Teaching UX

Mo has helped upskill people in UX at institutions such as: IDEO U, the Flatiron School (Designation Bootcamp), and the Illinois Institute of Technology - Institute of Design. His educational materials have been utilized or referenced in books, textbooks, and university course packs including: Design Is Storytelling by Ellen Lupton, Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction (4th Edition), A Field Guide To User Research, and Harvard Business Review “Entrepreneurship Laboratory" MBA course.

Seasoned UX Professional with a track record of upskilling others:

📰 You may know him from his articles on Smashing Magazine about Personas (top Google result for many years): 

Mo is currently developing a course on usability testing while writing "Mo's Notes" and "Becoming UX" resources. (Ask him about it!)


Helping teams learn about users and customers: I specialize in qualitative research and UX testing, utilizing a diverse set of research methods, and know when to be lean and scrappy and when to be rigorous.

Product and Service Strategy
Inspiring action and influencing decisions: I uncover and prioritize areas of opportunity, reframe problems, set the vision, goals, and direction for projects, as well as formulating recommendations that guide product and service design.

Workshop Facilitation
Running collaborative problem-solving activities: I create interactive events for people where decisions get made and consensus is built. 

UX Design and Prototyping
Making ideas tangible: I create low to medium fidelity prototypes to bring concepts to life and generate feedback on products, services, and systems

Reporting and storytelling: I share research across various audiences at varying levels in engaging, persuasive, and creative ways that increase empathy, inspire change, and direct action.

Information Architecture
Organizing content and functionality: I determine how to optimize the structure of data in ways that match user’s mental models to accelerate their navigation. 

Information design and Visual Communication
Facilitating efficient and effective understanding: I create data visualizations that distills complex ideas to their essence.

Content and Content Strategy
Planning, development, and management of content: I support the creation of multimedia, write, and edit copy


I rarely come across real talents who stand out like Mo. Mo’s attention to detail and thoughtfulness was unlike any I’ve seen before and made a dramatic increase in the quality of workshops we conducted as well as the thought leadership we published for our organization internally. No matter how tense a project or meeting, Mo made sure everyone left with a smile.

Dujon C. Smith

Principal at Accenture Ventures

Working with Mo was wonderful. Mo has the ability to quickly adapt to changing project constraints all while maintaining a collaborative team environment. Working with him was a great experience.

Andrew Russell

Design Researcher at Sylver Consulting

Mo has the true soul of a researcher and design professional, neither content to stop at a surface-level evaluation or just solve for low hanging fruit. He pursues the vision of a better product or process with tenacity and most importantly, is a kind caring person. 

Douglas Bantz

Creative Director & Lead Instructor at The Flatiron School


Where is Mo? You'll find him in lots of useful places.

Choose the best place for you, and he'll be there.

Ready to work: Open to new clients in early 2024! I am available for long-term contracts and am open to full-time employment for the right fit. Based in Chicago, I am open to remote and hybrid positions. I look forward to creating meaningful change with you.

Mo is also available "wherever you find your podcasts" all over the interwebs for:

UX research on demand (When you need results yesterday!) on Upwork

UXR consulting on demand (paid) on Expert Session

UX coaching/mentoring (free) on ADP List 

UX guides and templates (free and paid) on Gumroad

Articles about timely UX topics on Medium and Substack

Discover the musings of "UX Shower Thoughts" by following him Linkedin


Writing and referenced in the following books: Design is Storytelling, Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction, 101 Design Methods: A Structured Approach for Driving Innovation in Your Organization

Referenced in course materials at the following universities:
Stanford, UC Berkeley, and Harvard

Curriculum and learning design content created for: Flatiron School, Designation, Curiosity Tank, and IDEO U




After a few career pivots and soul searching, I discovered that my niche/"sweet spot" is UX research and strategy.  

UX research and strategy combine: what I love, what I'm good at, what the world needs, and what I am paid for. UX research is my "Ikigai" - which is the Japanese word meaning "reason for being". (Ikigai is often explained visually, in a venn diagram, which makes it easier to understand and I think the visualization looks pretty cool.)

Research and strategy allow me to combine right and left-brained thinking that scratches my creative itch, in a way that is challenging, inspiring, and fulfilling. Yes, this profession does make it easier to jump out of bed each morning. I know I'll be working in a "flow state" while helping create new and improved experiences for others. This is my way of "making a dent in the universe".



Plan, manage, and conduct end-to-end research by writing plans, running studies, and then presenting results/recommendations to different audiences at various levels throughout an organization

• Work iteratively to support cross-functional product teams in creating, testing, and validating concepts for products/services

• Work flexibly to address constraints in approach, scope, timeframe, and budget through the versatile use of mixed-methods (qualitative and quantitative), generative, and/or evaluative research (testing)

• Collect, analyze, and report on key metrics (KPIs) to ensure clients accomplish their goals for users and the business, as well as assess the positive impact and return on investment (ROI) of UX work

• Document/share bugs and feature requests emerging from research to help inform product and engineering prioritization

• Manage relationships with contractors/freelance providers, third party vendors, and external recruiters

• Design cross-functional workshops and create new opportunities for non-UX team members to contribute, share their perspectives, and hear directly from users/customers about usability, efficacy, and desirability issues

• Develop ways to increase the frequency and consistency of research throughout my team, department, and company

• Proactively build deeper relationships with team members and other coworkers to understand their needs, help streamline decision-making, achieve alignment, and collaborate more effectively

• Mentor and coach less experienced team members

• Look for opportunities to improve operational processes (UX Ops) that increase the quality of work, then create templates, guides, and other resources that increase the adoption of new techniques and technologies

• Evangelizes user experience by building an inclusive and collaborative culture that democratizes research through socialization and education


Services Offered


I don't have a one-size-fits-all, reusable process. 

Rather, my processes are contextual due to project demands and constraints, as well as the needs of my clients. My processes are ever-evolving as I gain more experience. So I don't have just one process to show you. 

My process is open, transparent, and collaborative:

I bring others into my process, I'm not a "black box" solo practitioner. Through co-working sessions, discussions, meetings, and workshops I share my work, show progress as I go, and check in for milestones to ensure everyone is aligned, on the same page, and has shared expectations to achieve success.

My general UX process is heavily influenced by: 

My work is also grounded in the theory and practice of skills which I have developed in continuing professional education:


Mo is familiar with many types of research - including but not limited to: 




I love the challenge of meeting new people and winning them over. I derive satisfaction from breaking the ice and making a connection with another person.


I create alternative ways to proceed. Faced with any given scenario, I can quickly spot the relevant patterns and issues.


I am inspired by the future and what could be. I aim to inspire others with my visions of what is next.


I am intrigued with the unique qualities of others. I have a gift for figuring out how people who are different can work together productively.


I’d describe myself as a collaborative, communicative, and optimistic person. My colleagues would describe me as determined, energetic, and proactive. I naturally search for better ways of doing things in all domains of my life and work. When I come up with new ideas, I prefer to build up a consensus, feeling that I’m supported by others before I commit myself. Coordinating and structuring the efforts of other people is where I excel.


A Closer Look At Personas (2-part Series) - In Smashing Magazine

Creating Wireframes And Prototypes With InDesign in Smashing Magazine

iOS Prototyping With TAP And Adobe Fireworks (3-part series) in Smashing Magazine

Evolution of the Protest

Referenced in the following books: Design is Storytelling, Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction, 101 Design Methods: A Structured Approach for Driving Innovation in Your Organization

Referenced in course materials at the following universities: Stanford, UC Berkeley, and Harvard

Curriculum and learning design content created for: Flatiron School, Designation, and Curiosity Tank, and IDEOU


Design and Sustainability at CreativeMornings Chicago

Imposter Syndrome at Flatiron School (Designation)

Constraints and Adaptations at Flatiron School (Designation)

User-Centered Design and Code-Free Prototyping at Barah Tikun Olam Hackathon

User Story Mapping for Agile Teams at the SF Lean Startup Circle


Intrapreneurialism is in my DNA. I strive to maximize my impact by developing improved processes that empower those I work with to be more efficient, effective, and collaborative at a team, department, and company-wide scale.

Flatiron School




Hearsay Systems




More about Mo

What's Mo's background, in a nutshell?

I started my career as a graphic Designer, transitioned to UX designer and have now pivoted to become a UX researcher and design strategist. As a former UX Designer, I know how to leverage research to inspire product teams, inform decision-making, and influence design strategy. I ensure that teams have prioritized principles, guidelines, and recommendations that are specific and actionable within constraints, while also clearly articulating possible tradeoffs and explaining the reasoning behind my proposals.

I have experience in the following environments:

Does Mo do mixed methods research? 

Yes! He combines qualitative research (his main area of expertise), with light quantitative research (an area he's growing in) in order to "triangulate the truth". Mo has a proven track record of working with data/analytics teams and quantitative researchers to do more sophisticated quant work is needed.

Does Mo do UX Design?

Yes and no. I often help create early-stage, concept-level wireframes and prototypes that are low-fidelity. I no longer do pixel-perfect mockups and high-fidelity prototyping like I used to, previously. I see UX Design as a secondary skill at this point in my career that supports the research.

Does Mo do pixel-perfect user interface (UI) visual design? 

I no longer lead on the visual side of production-ready assets, but can pitch in when necessary. Now, I use my graphic design background to create research deliverables such as data visualizations, presentations, and journey maps. Telling visual stories to communicate research findings, insights, and recommendations.

Is his name really Mo?

Everyone calls me Mo. Its spelled without an "e". My legal name is Shlomo, if you must know. I identify with the he/him/his pronouns.

What is Mo's spirit animal, and why that animal?

Ask him and you shall find out.

What has Mo done to keep up to date on UX best practices over the years?
Professional Training and Certifications:

More about user experience (UX)

Is research right for me?

Probably, but it depends. Here are some things to consider:

What is design thinking? 

Watch this short video to learn more (it's my absolute favorite video about design thinking)

Isn't design thinking dead?

No, I don't think it is. I still find this approach very helpful. It's not a magical, one-size-fits-all approach, but it does inform what I do and how I do it. Read this article to learn more

What is user-centered design?

Watch this short video to learn more (I hope you like cats)

If you've read this far, why not 

get connected or get in touch?